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  1. dan25

    The annoying boat song

    Hi, I was wondering if on the first land you can remember the annoying sailor song, if you played BAW1 from a young age you will most Likely remember it. I am wondering, who can actually do the whole song without going back and looking? I think i can Can you? Dan25
  2. dan25

    That boat!

    the south park quote is: "o my god! you killed Kenith!" Dan25
  3. dan25

    The Nut Oil Song, "now" for download!

    thats actually a good idea, no one else will get their phone ringing mixed up with urs note: to avoid looking like a freak turn down the volume in public Dan25
  4. dan25

    Creature Rival

    the folder for the aztecs creature on BOTG is bzombieape, at least i think, im pretty saure it is The creature definatley looks like a gorilla, not an ape though Dan25
  5. dan25


    good all the way, being evil takes up 2 much time and people, i would rather just send my creature in than make armies. BW1: that was evil all the way because there were no building limits and i liked taking that dudes villages when he was at other towns and using his scafolds for my own use...
  6. dan25

    How does this work? help

    ok thx for the answer Dan25  :yourock:
  7. dan25

    How does this work? help

    lol, ok thx Dan25
  8. dan25

    Two random questions

    The enemy god is BOTG is as already said very predictable and it is quite annoying. He does send troops into your city but once you have played for a few mins it gets very predictsble when he will send in troops Attacking him is the most annoying bit because unlike BAW2 he is another god and...
  9. dan25

    How does this work? help

    on black and white 1 it said at the start something like this..." everytime a person prays a god is born" but nemesis killed all of the gods and it was just u and him left my first question, how come people just didnt pray for another god, dont say because he controled everything becasue if it...
  10. dan25

    uploading files

    sorry for the late return i been busy, i passe to a few who had black and white and from there i just went back to wat i was doing i think they might have im not sure pretty shoked like!!! dan25
  11. dan25

    uploading files

    thx no problem Dan25
  12. dan25

    Lion Skins

    dan25 submitted a new resource: Lion Skins - Lion skins, red lines and blue according to alignment Read more about this resource...
  13. dan25

    Lion Skins 1.0.0

    Lion skins, red lines and blue according to alignment
  14. dan25

    People's favourite land

    I liked the first japanese land because when i completed the level i went to the little island and started another town there!! It was fun and the volcanoe combined with the blak and white 2 trainer allowed me to create multiple volcanoe wonders in it so it really looked like it was erupting
  15. dan25

    uploading files

    hi I may just be an idiot but anyway I uploaded a file about a week ago maybe longer It said it was all  successful.... Now there are things that have been uploaded but my upload is not there But......i did only read the confirmation email saying it had been uploaded the other day if that is...
  16. dan25

    Creature Epic

    thx i read up on it more and found out the person who mentioned it had not made 1, but only trying to, he laid it out all wrong and got lots of people confused thx anyway Dan25
  17. dan25

    Creature Epic

    hi i think i posted this question about a year ago..... i have heard a few rumours that there is a mod which lets your creature cast the epic miracles like volcanoe but it depends on your wonder, if someone can put an end to this question that would be gr8 thx dan25
  18. dan25

    Black and White 3

    grr  :( thx anyway dan25
  19. dan25

    Black and White 3

    hi ive been a big fan of black an white since the first one came out and i was wondering, with the knowledge we have and the files we can edit, would it be possible to succesfully create a "black and white 3"? if so i am willing to maybe try, it depends on how many other people are willing to...
  20. dan25

    Zombie Ape Creature fo BotG

    dan25 submitted a new resource: Zombie Ape Creature fo BotG - This is the zombie ape skin, this will overwrite the ape skin so make a backup note this is a BOTG f Read more about this resource...