That boat!


New member
Jun 30, 2007
Hey! Did anybody here knew that actually we CAN destroy that boat, in land 1, that grain wood meat strange scroll(those sailors mission). With lightning bolt! Create one on the script or feed the "aparently ugly man acording to the village woman"(of the creche mission in land 1 too (of course)) to your creature to get lightning bolt spell dispenser!
Interesting.  Although it's benefits you more in the long run to help them.  They give you a hand starting out in Land five if you help them get to sea :yes .

You just have to endure their infernal singing in order to do it :suspect .
Yea, but i never tested to know how it is if you don't help them.
That's what i'm doing now =]
It's no big deal from memory you loose a small fairly useless village and the chance for the polar bear creature.
If you kill the sailors, you get a south park parody. I figured hat out on another site. Oh, and they have an admittably catchy song! It's annpying though. REALLY annoying. If anyone needs help with it, tell me. If I've done it once,  I've done i a thousand time! :devil and  :angel
And you can't destroy the boat. i tried everything! Lightning, boulders, and even my Creature!
the south park quote is:

"o my god! you killed Kenith!"


Yeah, he's right, but you could create another profile and just test  :yes
It's okay. I'll just use the creature changer to get the Polar Bear. Actually, I aldready have a Polar Bear from the Creature changer!