its offical creatures can use weapons but not how u expected!!(spoiler)

Heh, yeah... Whenever I sic my wolf on enemy platoons, he usually grabs a tree and thrashes them a few times before dropping it.  And I have a sneaking suspicion he's eating some of people from the enemy platoons.  :suspect
On land 5 I had a huge evil city and some Japanese came to the gates so I just ignored them since my archers would just kill them, but at that same moment my evil wolf was playing with his voodoo doll and he threw it over the wall and it landed like a meteor and killed 4 men  :laugh2  :laugh2
Well, I bought the Lighting Miracle for my creature and he usually uses it as a finisher to the enemy armies. One time he killed an enemy platoon, lit a tree on fire, and then threw the flaming tree upon a group of 6 japanese platoons greatly damaging them all. I can't wait to give him the Fireball Miracle!  :D

Anyone else notice that if your creature enters a battle where your troops and the enemy troops are engaged and he not only kills the enemy troops but also kills your own?
My old wolf used to do that.  He'd get so angry, he'd keep killing platoons afetr the enemy was dead.  And if I didn't calm him down before letting him back in, he'd throw a villager across the wall and kill him.
My creature just runs up to the enemy platoon stomps on them once and uses lighting to destroy the entire platoon.  :)

Also yes i did notice that he kills your troops also, but i guess there are bound to be some casulties when a giant creature starts stomping on your head...
Yeah, if my creature ever goes into battle, I always make sure only to send archers with him after noticing my platoons being zapped and burned so many times. That way, when he attacks with miricles or stomps etc, they are far enough away not to get hurt, and at the same time, aid him in the battle.
Lol, I just had to post this on this thread. :D

I gotta ask -what did you do to get that in the game?  Did you substitute a tree for it or something?
You should get it Repth. :yes

That club thing was something I pickup from a thread on the BWGame boards. >>Thread<<

If anyone wants to try it It's basically replacing the teddy bear with the club. In the zip attached below place the files into the Data\Art\Models folder and it will turn the teddy or voodoo doll into a club. To remove, just delete the files.
gladly, though my graphics card is outdated. when my friend came over he mention walmart brand or some crap like that.. and i dont have money.:(
well if any1 can tell me hot to model something for bw2 i would love to help make the community something
That's not really modding, more like switching files around.

Right now it's mostly skinning. Wait for the tools that LHS should be releasing eventually. Hopefully you can find something with them to get into.
wat i wanna know is how the guy made a bwe  file we can do that then we can like make new stuff like sharks and fish and dolphins egpytians children
The .bwe file is simply the map file. Right now you can extract all of the textures from the Everything.stuff ifile view them and swap them. But so far no one has been able to make new objects.
sweeeeet if u get wat i mean u know switching the teddy with a sword
Seeing as its swapped with the teddy, will your creature pat it and throw it around?

Will is squeak when he picks it up? ???