Wonder issues

Black Curtains

New member
Feb 9, 2010
Hello! Long time no see ^.^

Anyways, I've started playing again and encountered a brand new, never happened to me before problem. On Land 2 when I try to construct a wonder, the game defaults to the Greek wonder instead of the Norse. This is annoying because the Greek wonder is useless and I do not want it. I have no idea why it is doing this. Has anyone had this happen before?

I've tried moving the scaffold around, though I've always built my wonder in the same place with no problem. I tried building it with and without artifacts; nothing seems to make a difference.
Hi Black Curtains,

The issue you have is with the scaffold. A wonder will always be the same race as the town where the scaffolds are made, so if you got the scaffolds from a Greek town you'll get a Greek wonder. However, since there are 7 scaffolds in a wonder, if you have a majority of scaffolds of one type that will change the wonder you get (so suppose you have 4 Norse scaffolds and 3 Greek scaffolds in a wonder, the wonder will be Norse).

Hope this fixes the issue :)
Huh, I never knew that. I had only taken scaffolds from Khazar's village, and my own starting village (both Norse). Something even odder happened though - after I built the football field the game decided to give me the Norse wonder. I think it might just be glichy. I watched Khazar try to feed his worshippers with wood over and over again, so things are definitely not right in Eden, lol.

But thank you for the info! I never knew that it was determined by the scaffolds. That's good to know :)
FROM MEMORY...You can do several things with scaffolds that may not be widely known today.

Scaffolds can be combined and then split again in a different Race workshop to get more of the desired type.
You can also place scaffolds on a Workshop wood pile to convert them back to wood, and the grab the wood before it gets made into a scaffold again.

TC scaffolds can save hours of influence building ( this is one of the things I used in MP to help get quick wins ) .  Simply reach out of your influence ring as far as you can in the way you need to go place the TC Scaffold. Build another TC Scaffold and then you can reach out from the tiny influence ring of the first placed but not built TC.  Repeat as required. this gives you direct influence to any area about 10x faster than normal expansion.

My last tip is to do with the fact that you have to place a scaffold before it will "take root" thrown scaffolds just sit there. OK so on 1 level of the game you have an invincible man and a large gap to cover to get the next village.  Throw a TCs towards where you need to go .............throw the man towards the TCs grab and throw the TCs again.. then the man....repeat until you want to place the TCs.  You will miss or hold onto the man for to long but it will still enable  a  quick way to the  objective.