wiped clean

It's just that no one's posting about it.

Although the forums are getting quiet, over the last month or so the volume in files is starting to increase. Especially for the BW1 core files (patches, unlockers etc)

Go figure. ???
These things always go up and down, but to be fair B&W is an old game.  I find it extremely impressive that it's gone this long.  I think the winning part of the forumla is that it is a very open game allowing for people to let their imaginations run wild. 

It's been fairly consistent in it's following for the last few years never really dropping that much, except for a while after B&W2's release, so I could see this game still going for a while more.  The real classics never get old :yes .
Just to throw out some rough numbers. Before the release of BW2 we averaged about 320 files a day. this dropped to just over 100 after the release of BW2. And stayed there for quite some time even with the BW2 files included. Finally climbing up to abot 150 a day. Lately the average has climbed up to just under 200 and for the last week or so it's been at about 250.

Considering that about 70% of that is for the BW1 files. That ain't bad for a six year old game. :)
