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White Dragon 1.0.0

this creature rocks man i think it is ace i esp like the spikes
this rocks and rocks some more and then a bit more and then it gets tired and goes to sleep and then it wakes up and rocks some more
i think creatures need pants and more pants and maybe shorts but most of all it rocks and todd l sucks ass
You are one scary dude pantios...anyways yeah this dragon skin rocks but like i said with the other skin doesnt look like the eyes move
this skin rocks. this is the coolest skin ever. I love this so, so much. thank you kayssplace.
Where i should put this skin? And i think it looks very cool! :)
this skin is great! I'm obsessed with dragons and this is a dream come true! Thanks Serpentmaj!
this is so awsome!!! though how come it looks like a bunch of rocks pasted together
WOW!!!! could you make one that is blue? it is the awesomeness!
any one know how to get milkshape to export creatures properly so i can make one like this