whats the............


New member
Mar 27, 2005
hey i was wondering whats the most amount of people uv had in an army?    iv had like 1000 at one time b4  :shocked
The most I've had is 1500, i could of had loads more, my city was huge and i had loads of ore and food, the army could have been huge... Starts mumbling to himself about why he didn't make loads...they could have swarmed over the land,  :devil muhahahahaahh,...keeps laughing evilly while he leaves the room.
1300 against the aztecs hhahah they didnt stand a chance muhuhahahahahhahaha
i outnumbered them. including my catapults would br emm.. what was it oh yeah it woud of bin with my catapults 1308 (the were equipped with fire)
Mine is close to 700 soldiers.  :laugh2 Island #8 hahahah!  :laugh2
On the aztec homeland the siren epic is useful... :laugh2 I had like 2600 in my army. :yourock:
Like a 1000. I didn't really bother with army that much but just as experement, I used siren and got like 900 troops :)
Wooho! Siren is my favorite wonder to use!  :yourock:
1575 men half of the were archers other infantry soldiers and 10 seige machines land 5 finally im learning
Cheat......lol....still had 800 men from not cheating  :yes
well once i had 1853 20 were catupults 120 were archers and the rest were infantry. on the first japanese land.. Yep... when i sent them. well i think u know what happend.. :)