What's a good way to find exact coordinates?


New member
Sep 29, 2009
I have Black and White Express Map Editor 2.02 and it comes with a 2d viewer that lets me get coordinates, but I can't figure out how to zoom in (if it's even possible) and the view is pretty horrible, useless for pinpointing small water spots for a fish farm or anything like that. It's been a very inexact trial and error process for me so far, so I was wondering if there's a way to get coordinates with a more comprehensive map viewing program such as Dark Yoda's Land Viewer.
Never mind, answered my own question. To get coordinates with Dark Yoda's viewer you just have to press P
BWsurveyor has an option to get coordinates and it's a bit more accurate than the Map Editor.
Kays said:
BWsurveyor has an option to get coordinates and it's a bit more accurate than the Map Editor.

Thanks tons Kays! The innaccuracy has been a serious issue for me when modifying Land 4, it's been a big Hit or Miss adding Fish Farms, so I threw Japanese Wonders on top of them to see where they were.