Wanted Posters


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Wow, I found some wanted posters when I UnStuffed the everything.stuff folder.  It's under art/textures/t_outlaws_...  I bet some of these folks are/were Lionhead staff!  So far (probably due to poor graphics) I haven't found any wanted posters.  Have any of you?

Just thought this was cool and thread-worthy...  :p
These were wanted posters for outlaws. Outlaws were a feature that was in development but got trashed by Lionhead because they had to rush to the finish. It's a shame, but barely any of the features intended actually made it into the game.
Oh, man.  Too bad. This game could have been great if the un-used stuff went into it.  Oh well...
ive seen the outlaws before. they can be incorporated into the game by reskinning the normal villagers with them, since they use the same model.

its alot of fun skimming through the model, skin and texture files and seeing what BW2 would have been like.