Undead Wolf

Thunder Eclipse

New member
Aug 8, 2006
<div>« <a href="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/index.php">Downloads Home</a> :: <a href="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/category.php?id=62">BW2 Skins</a> :: <a href="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/category.php?id=67">Wolf Skins</a> :: <a href="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/file.php?id=945">Undead Wolf</a> » « <a href="javascript:void(0)" onmouseover="window.status=''; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="window.open('/files/index.php?action=readme&id=945','imagewindow','width=800,height=600,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes');return false;" target="_self" title="">View The Readme</a> <img src="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/images/dl.gif" alt="" /> <a href="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/download.php?id=945" title="Download this file">Download this file</a> »</div>
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I love his eyes and the overall concept and texture! Excellent job, Thunder! :)
well... this seems very much alike form me

Your right... It is the same thing.
Made by Thunder Eclipse it says when you get more information though...  :)
That is the same file. If Thunder Eclipse didn't submit it there, then they took it from here. Look at the dates on both files.
Yeah I noticed hey were both by the same person and could wel be placed into that site by that person however with some stuff been  used on other sites without permission before (that I've noticed here) I thought I would bring it to your attention
I know about the Undead Wolf and some other skins of mine being posted there on Filefront without my permission...It doesn't bother me right now...I like people seeing my skins and also those on Filefront gave me credit for making them...so it's not much of a problem...but when other people copy the idea from my skin and use it on their's  or they repost it on other sites saying that they've made it or they  modify the skin itself...then things start to get bad...really bad  :angry :angry