SPOILERS. Please read


New member
Apr 9, 2004
It has come to my attention that the Black and White 2 guide has come out in some places, if you wish to post information about it, please put *SPOILER* in your title, so that people will not get spoiled if they do not want to.  :)

Also, no spoiling titles, such as "I've got the guide and khazar comes back at land 7!". (He doesn't, just an example. :p)

I didn't see a thread like this so I figured I'd make one.

Time for  :pie2 . :)

I've changed the title of this thread to get your attention.
In respect to those who don't have the game yet, could you please put "Spoiler" in the title and try to use the spoiler tag in your posts.

Kays :)
I agree with that. :yes

And on the new boards there will a spoiler tag so it can be hidden in a post.
Hello! I am back...and seeing as the posts are reset I will keep this name instead of Aben...But damn it was handy being #1 on list. Kays can you change my stories Author name to Kansai/Aben? Since I am on Kansai now.  :D
Hi. Am new to the community but have always been a fan of the concept behind Black and White. I missed the 1st installmentunfortunately but made sure to pre-order this time  :cool . Looking forward to playing. I'm sure I'll enjoy it  :D .
ahummmm................... uhhhh..... ehhhh....... i like pie..... and.........ummmmmmm................did you know that the wolf is ummm cool?
Wow you ruined the game with that spoiler :shocked  I didn't know the wolf was cool :D

Nice one :)
The wolf is quite Superior(Ferior for Psyko). Of them all I'd have to say Myes I will pick the wolf or lion.....This depends on which will be stronger, smarter, and faster.
i think it said somet about the wolf needs more training to become more stronger i dunno
there just rumours.
but all creatures are superior. (im gonna pick the lion its cool)  :yes
can a lion have like white skin instead of normal colour or the tiger
ramac said:
Can a lion have like white skin instead of normal colour or the tiger
The Tiger gets white with black stripes when good and I think that the good lion is a lighter version if not white. If not then you'll be able to reskin it that way :yes

ramac said:
I've also heard about the ape being pretty strong :yes
I'm sure it can get very strong just like all the rest of creatures, but it's main attribute would definatly be intellect.

ramac said:
I think it said something about the wolf needs more training to become more stronger I dunno there just rumours.
But all creatures are superior. (im gonna pick the lion its cool)  :yes
I'm told the wolf was a jack-of-all-trades creature in B&W1, it's possible it will be the same here,  if not,  then probably a more agile kind of  creature, somehow I'm thinking it will require a tad bit more of training to become very strong aswell.
solstheim's werewolf said:
I'm told the wolf was a jack-of-all-trades creature in B&W1, it's possible it will be the same here,  if not,  then probably a more agile kind of  creature, somehow I'm thinking it will require a tad bit more of training to become very strong aswell.

If i recall... lets see... there is the Lion, (witch and the wardrobe... no... jk... had to say it), Wolf, Cow, Ape... correct? yea

(my little disclaimer... I'm doing this off of what i remember correctly, what i understand, and what i have heard... and the number system is pretty much made up... THIS IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM IS OFFICIAL just FYI) :p

if the #s are from 1-5; 1 as the worst, 5 as the best... i think it works out like this

Wolf: (Speed Based creature)
Int - 4
Speed - 5
Str - 2 or 3 ish

Lion: (Str based creature)
(tiger is also about the same i believe maybe +int and -str or something....)

Int - 2 or 3 ish
Speed - 4
Str - 5

Ape: (Int based creature)
Int - 5
Speed - 3
Str - 3 or 4 ish

Cow: (kinda jack of all trades.. being decent, but not proficient in everything)
Int - 3 or 4 ish
Speed - 3 or 4 ish
Str - 3 or 4 ish

Like i said.. this is really only from what i think is right... not official... so don't base your decisions on this
hmmmm...From the information given here I'd say I'd pick the lion of wolf....I should have BW2 today or tommarow! YEAH!
I have a wolf, and they're pretty good.  Make sure they work out, though, and eat... Mine has a tendency to starve himself, the half-witted furball...
yeah my wolf forgets to eat alot too... kinda like his master I guess ;p
Gets too wrapped up in everything else to bother eating.  Speaking of wich, I just realized it's 10pm and all I've had today is breakfast....
From hearing about the tiger and the wolf being kind of bad creatures, my decision is now a lion. :D hehe :laugh: