skin request


New member
Nov 30, 2007
Can someone make a solid snake skin for one of the creatures in B&W2? Here is a pic
Hi, that would be difficult to do. I cant even think of a creature model which would come close to that.
The cow *could* take this role, but that's very unlikely, as how I understand, you can't change the actual shape of the creature, so if someone did do this, he would look REALLY fat. But if it can be pulled off, I would LOVE to see Solid Snake just stomping on tiny little soldiers. Hehe.
I'm pretty new to this. I'm sorry if what I'm asking isn't possible.  :sorry I just thought it would be cool. As you could probably tell, I have no idea about the practicalities of this. :D Thanks anyway
It would be cool, but we can't edit the models. So anrything added would need to be painted on an existing model. I did the Homer Simpson skin and that was possible beecause the ape model does look a bit like Homer. But personaly I don't like it that much because the clothing isn't 3D but rather painted on the body.

I don't think the Cow model would be a good choice either. Solid Snake with horns and an udder. ???

ok then. would it be possible in B&W 1 then? There are considerably more creature models to choose from. If not, thanks anyway :)
In Black and White 1 the file format is cracked you can do your own creatures^^

you need milkshape 3d

and this plugin then you can open the l3d files
Are there any tutorials or anything teaching you how to do creature skins for B&W 1? All :help appreciated
BW2 skinning tutorial

BW1 skinning tuirial

Can't help with Milkshape though.
