Problems when beggining a new game


New member
May 2, 2011
Hi people, I have this problem hope you can help me.

I've done a land, and I have followed the steps of the generic .chl file to install it, but when I start a new game I get a white.exe error and my game crashes, what can I do? Have I done something wrong while making the .chl file?

   What is the name of the .bwe terrain file? What is the name you gave to the .chl script file?

   What are the contents of your map.txt file?

Hi, the name of the .bwe is "Land1255", and the name of the script file is "Land1255"; I have already changed the land number "0" to "1255" too.

in the map.txt I only get this:


   Did you place the file in the correct place? How many towns are in your map (actually created in the landscape, not just placed on the terrain)? Count the number of towns listed in the object window in the landscape editor. How many towns are assigned as owned by player 0?

   Have you altered anything else in your Black and White directories?

   Did you change the name of your landscape files (.bwe, .ter,  .wal, .pat) after saving them from the landscape editor? In other words, was the file saved out of the landscape editor as "land1255" or was it first saved as something else?

ego, I've done a new map and FINALLY it is working. However, I'm having some other issues right now with the terrain =P thank you for your help!