Post your strategy


New member
May 9, 2006
What is/would be the best strategy that you would use to take a land? Post here your strategy for conquering a land.

I'll start, my best strategy that I found when on the second Japanese land was to take a nearby town for a base so I can restock on soldiers. Then when ready I used two platoons. One soldier platoon to take the main town, a huge Archer platoon to cover them and my Creature as the front line because he does most damage and keeps the enemy occupied and it worked better than I hoped. So what's yours?
I prefer to keep my creature away from my troops when in combat. :p

For attacking I like to use siege weapons in pairs. First to knock the walls down and then to destroy any armouries there are.

For a defensive formation I like to link the infantry platoon to the archers not the other way around. The archers sense the enemy at a greater range than the infantry does. So any infantry attached to an archer platoon will attack sooner than they normally would.
the creature is a true force of destruction, but yes the troops get in his way lol :D

i sent my creature out to destroy the platoons that are stationed away from the main town then i have him bust down the gates and rush in to damage their wonder (if they have one) definitly if they have siren and if possible i get him to destroy their armorys then run back home. then i get my people to breed like rabbits to raise a huge army of at least 300 and have them rush through the damaged gates, kill off their remainig platoons, and take the town

random note: i find the aligning toys to be much more effective than the leashes in the first game
I usually make my creature guard and just make a bunch of soldiers then i send my creature to break their walls and break as many armories and kill as many soldiers as i can and get him back to the main village. Right after he is healed il rush in with as many soldiers as i have along with my creature.