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Perfect Human 1.0.0

I'm making a better human skin. He has no clothes right now, is that okay or will that offend people? I also would like to know if it's possible to replace the ape sound files with some caveman grunts or something.
Mhm.. I suggest you upload it as a differant one then.

And as long as you don't give him a ding dong, or ring a ling.. it won't offend anyone :p

Mind you, if it does, i'm certain you didn't do so intentionaly ^^ - I suggest you make a 'second' version of your better one, one with a loin cloth, or alot of 'hair' near the groin.
Well, if I start making some clothes right now, I might as well go for a vest too. It's actually quite hard to make just a loin cloth.

How about a leaf? I could call him adam!  :D
Lol, a leaf sounds like a good compromise. :yes