Ok, how do I edit Building Capacity for houses?


New member
Sep 29, 2009
I've been tinkering with this for a while, the default capacity for  each Sky Scraper for instance is 6 adults and 4 children so I tried Changing the values 6 and 4 in GameBalanceBuilding.txt, each time I've started a new game even a new profile and full game resets, but when I place the Sky Scraper there's no effect. Yes I've made sure to edit the Greek Skyscraper, I've also tried all the greek abodes. What am I missing?
go to gamebalance building and look at each of the abode things. If you look at the list of numbers, you will find the ones that mean the adult capacity, and child capacity. You can then change those to whatever you want.
EI : the villa (abode_c) will have i think the number 7 for adults , and 5 for children.
the hovel has 12 adults and 6 children, so when you find the column of for the capacities you can change the number for other buildings. Understand? :upside
I already knew that, but I ran into a different problem. Thanks for trying to help mcfrosty.


There is a Min and Max population, which is determined by the placement of other nearby buildings.

Using the Hovel as an example

GREEK_ABODE_A 280 0 3.5 80 6 3 5 2 12 6 10 0 1 1 1.5 150 0.7 0.6 0.5 0 0.4 -0.008

The first two numbers in bold at the Minimum populations for Adults and then Children in the Hovel. The second two numbers are the maximum population for Adults then Children. The Maximum Capacity must exceed or be equal to the Minimum Capacity, thus my problem, I've been comparing and editing the Minimum Capacity without correctly tweaking the Maximum Capacity.