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Normalized Good 1.0.0


New member
Nov 25, 2006
Sylvan submitted a new resource:

Normalized Good - This modification will give Black and White a natural 'good' appearance, even if you are neutral, or

This modification will give Black and White a natural 'good' appearance, even if you are neutral, or evil of alignment.

Best appearance is achieved with a good alignment. Results may vary with the screenshot augmented.

This edit can not be used together with Natural Evil World.

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esh, the evil is cooler!

(just kidding, they're both great!)
Sorry, indeed you can't! ^^;;

It should have a warning "Caution! back up first!"

Curently, the only way to remove it, is to re-install B&W, sorry  :blush  :(
So, I just put the Data Folder into my Black & White directory and let it overwrite it? This is great for those of us on Vista whose alignment refuses to change.
Yes, that is kind of the idea.

Notably, it looks alot nicer if your alignment is good too, but, the few noticeable changes (water most noticeable) make the game look 'good'.

I would though suggest you back up your Data-folder, or anything else it might over-write, and perhaps even, if you feel like it, post a collection of those files on this site! :) So that people can revert easily, and always ^^

Thanks for downloading this! :) I'm glad people still like it ^^