My Creature Pic


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Well Since Ill Be Playing Black and white 2 again after christmas, i want to post my creature pic

But how do i get a pic from black and white 2? so i can post it here? so my creatures name is Predator he is a wolf as i dont know what he might look like  cough cough, Trainer , Cough cough
While in the game, press the button "Print Scrn" on your keyboard. If you don't know where to find that button, it's right above the "insert" key. Once that's done, exit the game, and open an image manipulating program (photoshop, paint, any other program like those). Finally paste into a clear, white window, and save the file as a jpg.
And then, when posting, there is a kind of link down in the bottom left of the post box. Click on that and where it shows attach and browse, then find the file that you need, and you have done it. Make sure the file is 400 kb or less.