much ado about creatures


New member
Jul 9, 2006
after extensive work(sitting on my ass infront of my cpu) i have gathered some information about about our creatures for BW2

ape: as always the einstein of the creatures but this time around hes got Skillz
hes actually tough  :laugh2 hes a good fighter but hes still slow

intellegence: einstein   :D

muscle: good  :)

speed: errm okay :)

fighting: decent against creatures and soldiers :)


cow: not so smart, good for bad gods great for good gods, not all too pleasing tho

intellegence: borderline retard  :no

muscle: not the best but okay  :)

speed: slow as hell  :p

fighting: great against soldiers but bad against other creatures :)


lion: as always this boy is well rounded, but best for evil gods

intellegence: nice, nothing really stands out tho :)

muscle: good :)

speed: great but not as fast as the wolf  :)

fighting: great against creatures but good with soldiers  :yes


tiger:much the same as the lion in a few ways, agression stands out best for evil gods

intellegence: not the brightest bulb but hes good  :;):

muscle: great :laugh:

speed: probably the same as the lion  :)

fighting: great against creatures and infantry :D


wolf: he can be good or bad, he is easy to shap to your will. but he has a funny nose  :p

intellegence: fair  :)

muscle: okay but not the best :(

speed: spectacular  :D

fighting: speedy and quick in creature fights  fair for infantry  :)


notes: havent gotten to the tortise yet hope to go a little mre in-depth in the future,

im not trying to write a novel here im just giving a little info

feel free to write on about your expierences with creatures and their individual skills

maby we can turn this  thread into one big creature info page  :p
Nice write up. :)

I haven't tried the cow yet. Except for comic releif, what is it good for?  ???
like many have said before me cows are great for good gods because they are wonderful entertainers and show little to no agression on their own. their  abilities serve good gods. well, hope that answers your question kays   :D
i think you understemate the wolf (which is the creature i use the most)
he was only to a advanced warrior level when i sent him against 120 soldiers
and he came out on top. but for some reason (I'm fairly sure this is just my wolf)
when i send him to fight against the tiger creature in the second Japanese land
he always loses. also keep in mind I'm sending him to the Japanese capital to fight the tiger.
The tiger and lion are rigged.. Todays speak like pirate day so. Arrr. The tiger and lion pounce on ur creature and its like impossible to get them off.. Arrrr They just beat the crap out of ur poor or the enemies poor creature.. Arrrrr
now i said the wolf was fair for soldiers, not bad  :)

i believe the ape does that to, he jumps on a creature and slaps him while hes pinned  :laugh2
the wolf is very good against soldiers (I'd say on par with the loin)
I've used bouth at advanced and master soldier. there even
against soldiers but the loin does have a unfair advantage when it
comes to creature on creature combat
okay ill admit maby i wasnt being fair to the wolf :D

but its too late i cant edit it now lol

you should try making a right up on the creatures in the first B&W (that would keep you busy for a while)
i already have one on my web sight but thats from creature food  :)
you should gear all of this (by that i mean countless hours of game play) to something... more constructive.
i mean if you think about it if all the hours you spent doing this to help a few game players out you could have
been out.... i don't know doing something usefull  :laugh2
hey i do ..... stuff (mostly out of bordom) but im trying,

:beerwanted: and i might consider it lol
you should pick up a martial art.
the "drunken boxing" style would fit you perfectly.  :alc