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Land1 Miracle Eden! 1.0.0

OOO! I'm gunna try it out, sounds awwweeesome.
Hope it has teleportation, would make thigns a - Wait can't teleport creature =( Atleast I can SPREAD MY EVIL!!!
The creature will use Teleports you placed, if you placed two or more, and,  if they are between or atleast very close to where he is, and wher ehe needs to go.

The creature himself, won't cast teleport though,.. as far as I know, it's a miracle he won't learn.
Technically, he can learn that miracle and there are specific circumstances where you can get him to even cast it, but the teleport only lasts about a second or so before disappearing, so he never gets the chance to use it.

Methinks this was just one of those unfinished bits of functionality in the game.