Land 1 Creature Guide


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Hey everyone,

I haven't played B&W for a while, but I started playing it again.

Is the big creature you encounter on Land 1 supposed to be a Bear, or a Ram/Sheep?

I saw a video online where it was a Ram/Sheep, but when I play it's always been a Bear as far as I can recall.

Why is this?
Oh, nevermind. I was able to find online why the creature is different.

If you pick the cow - you see a sheep
If you pick the ape - you see a bear
if you pick the tiger - you see a lion

I searched before I posted this topic, but continued searching after I posted it and eventually found it.

Thanks though! :)
Hi, yes it does depend on the creature you have at the time.

The thought of a Sheep as a guide creature is scary though. Thankfully I've never used the Cow.