How to solve a hamachi problem.


New member
Aug 17, 2007
                                                *Not for vista*
This is the hamachi problem that i am going to tell you how to solve:
Players not seeing you and you not seeing other players in the LAN lobby...

Heres how to solve it... Follow them step-by-step and your problem should be solved!
Anyways... Heres how:

1. Go into Control Panel.

2. Go to Network/Internet Connections.

3. Then Go to Network Connections.

4. Go to the very top "next to the blue bar" and click advanced.

4. After you click advanced click "advanced settings."

  ( A window will apear . )

5. Click on hamachi that is in the list.

6. Click the up button till hamachi is at the top

7. Click Apply then OK.

  ( A rectangler box should appear asking you if you want to reboot. )


( If the question does not appear just  restart the computer through start menu. )

Ok... All your problems should be solved!  Tell me how it worked!

...............Just passing on the information, got it from some dude on ... But if your wondering how this could possible work,
i don't know.
I just followed his directions and my problem was solved.

...So for sure it should work for whoevers watching this!

Enjoy connecting to other players.
Have Fun, Drakenx9 or gamejammer