How do I edit the Power and Size of a Wonder?


New member
Sep 29, 2009
And what's the max power and size? I'm wanting to create a map in which a tiney Norse wonder is inside the Player Citadel, with enough power to net 20000 wood.
I thought that power and size were related.

If you use the CREATE_ADOBE line, then as far as I know, you can only change the size.
Kays said:
I thought that power and size were related.

If you use the CREATE_ADOBE line, then as far as I know, you can only change the size.

I recall, a few years ago, that someone on planet black and white had found a way to make a norse wonder that had the power of a massive wonder but was scaled to the size of a regular norse abode. There was some script code he used... I guess I could always try adding multiple norse wonders at a smaller scale instead though.
Where was this posted? If it's on the forums, then I think that they are still functional.
This is easy; I do it all the time, but I got the idea from a Patrick Selter map, if I recall. All you do is make the script for the small wonder... Then copy and paste multiples as many times as you like. What you have is the appearance of a single wonder, when in fact you have many wonders in one spot. Though they are small, you get the combined power of all of them. Too many can make really killer loading times, though, but around 150 hasn't really given me much trouble in the past.

I think about ten 1000-sized Norse wonders would make well over your goal, but I haven't objectively measured the results.

Fun tricks include a hundred Greek wonders of size 2500 combined with a pack of wolves dispenser.  :woot