help w/ being evil-pop


New member
Sep 30, 2005
whenever i'm evil, my male population goes down to almost zero, and the other people decline from there. how do i get more people? i have a lot of breeders, and my housing need is down all the way.

perhaps b/c of the skyscrapers? i build 1 of those to full height and then only a few hovels. should i build more hovels?

bottom line : how do i keep my population up when i'm evil?
Remember When your people do more work and their productivity is high they have a shorter lifespan. maybe you shouldnt be evil and build taverns and temples. Also raise the happiness.
I'm pure evil and I keep my pop up. I have about 15 MALE ( make sure their male) breeders and lots of hovels/houses. Theres no reason why it would go down that rapidly.
Its easy to level population. If to many woman use them as a human sheild, make them do hard labor instead, and last but not least if possible enter them into military service as well as the men. Then invade like hell and move some men to your main town.