HELP! Freaky CI graphic problem!


New member
Jan 16, 2005
Helloooooo everybody! I'm BAAAACK! Did ya miss me?

Anywho, I reinstalled B&W and CI on my reformatted comp (Windows XP) and I started playing CI. But for some reason, random items flicker, like houses, the sun, and the ship in the intro movie! Help!  :help
if you have a short cut 4 bnw or bnw CI right ckick it, then click on properties, then got to the "compatability" tab, then check the box next to eneable compatability mode, then under that should be a drop down menu, lick it and go to "windows 98". :D

the reason for this is because windows XP has not yet been published when bnw came out so this should solve ur problem. :)
Hi stranger, it has been a while.

If what suggested above doesn't wok try upgrading or downgrading your video drivers.
Well, I'm at school now, but I'll try what Pillows said when I get home. And I won't be able to respond again until tomorrow (maybe) due to the fact that I'm grounded from the Internet til Sunday.
Nope, tried doing compatability mode but everything still flickers. I'll see if there are any updares available for Nvidia GeForce 5200.  :(

EDIT: Nope, still no dice. Graphics still flickery. Any at all help or suggestions would be greatly valued! HEEEELP!
Try some older drivers if you have the latest.
I already tried downloading older drivers but it made absolutely no difference. I will post again in about 5 hours! Everyone who reads this topic, PLEASE post whatever help or suggestions you have available until I post again.
:fixed :fixed :fixed

I fixed the problem!!! No one needs to post here now. Topic can be closed.

:fixed :fixed :fixed
Just incase someone else has the same problem, how did you fix it?  ???

AAAAHHH! Problem NOT fixed! It fixed the graphic problem for B&W but it didn't work for CI.

But to fixing the problem for B&W, I clicked Start--Run, typed Dxdiag in the box, clicked OK, then went to the Display tab and clicked the Disable button next to "AGP Texture Acceleration".
check to see if the setting is still at that. sometimes when u restart ur pc some of the changes don't save but here's another  solution:
get BNW2 :D
See if there's any settings in the display driver setup that can be changed.  ???

Right click your desktop  >>  properties  >>  settings  >>  advanced.
this is a little off subject but i have bnw2 and my video card isn't quite the right kind but is there some setting i can change to make bnw2 run smoothly?

(botg is realeased!!!!!!!!!!!! :D)
Meh, went away by its own.

Pillow, see my new topic in the B&W Tech Support board for your comment about B&W2.  :p