Friendly Granary?


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Hello, I'm back after an extremely long absence and am once again blindly stumbling around the BW2 directory trying to fiddle with the game.

Anyway, this time I just want to remove the unhappiness that comes with the granary (if that's possible) and any help would be greatly appreciated.  :D

I think that would be the alignment modifier. The last digit for the Greek granery in GameBalanceBuilding.txt

BW2 modding WIKI
See, I would have thought that would be the impact that the building had on your alignment; anyway I'll give it a try and see what happens.[br][br]Added: [time]1240647160[/time]No, that didn't make a difference; unless I did it wrong, which is always a large possibility.
That was just a wild guess. :upside

Take a look through the other balance files and see if you can find any other references to the granery. If so look for a negative number. Which is usually how something evil is represented.

Take a look at this. It's an xml file that changes the villa's happiness level. I'm sure its editable to allow you to do the same with granaries.
Right, I keep forgetting about the PlacementData.xml file.  :blush

	<object type="abode" name="greek_abode_granary">
		<basevalue impressiveness="0.8" />
		<basevalue impress_falloff="0.85" />
		<usesmap impressiveness="true" fertility="false" />
		<rule stat="capacity" applyto="factories" radius="35.0" startvalue="3.0" endvalue="0.0" />
		<rule stat="productivity" applyto="fields" radius="35.0" startvalue="0.6" endvalue="0.2" />
		<rule stat="productivity" applyto="factories" radius="35.0" startvalue="0.6" endvalue="0.2" />
		<rule stat="happiness" applyto="living_quarters" radius="35.0" startvalue="[color=red]-0.8" [/color] endvalue=[color=red]"-0.3"[/color] />
		<rule stat="happiness" applyto="recreational" radius="35.0" startvalue=[color=red]"-0.8"[/color] endvalue=[color=red]"-0.3"[/color] />