Divine Wrath


New member
Jan 27, 2007
I do love slaughtering a bunch of platoons, whether to make it easier for my troops, my creature or just for a laugh  :devil
In my game i am a storm god, so the miracles i have are water, air, lightning and meteor( well it is a meteor 'shower') and the hurricane epic.
But i cant figure out how to drown enemies with water. I try pouring it on them when they are inside my influence, nothing. I try throwing it at them lots but it just gives them a much-needed shower. I thought about seeing how my creature did it but she seems to prefer blasting them with lightning. So how do i do it?
Hmm, I though that if you threw it at them it would bast them away like with the shield miracle. ???
I may be wrong but water is just not a killing miracle, as Kays said the most you can do is hit them with a wave.
You just can't drown people by pouring water on them all you do is make them wet.
To drown you need water deep enough to keep the enemy troops underwater  for a couple of minutes. That just cant happen in the game in practice as there is always a place for the water to drain away to or higher ground if the water became a threat.
oh...i just thought yo ucould since in the manual when it says about pouring and throwing it says 'remember: water can kil las well as grow' or something and when you buy the water miracle for your creature it says 'your creature wil luse this miracle to water your crops and drown your enemies (unless there is a race of amphibians hiherto undiscovered)'

shame. i was looking forward to that.
whats the air miracle?
and yesi remember when this game was coming out i saw a trailer that showed all the miracles and it said it washed the evilness away or something like that, its on lionhead.com
Wouldn't that be the shield miracle. Drop it in front of the enemy and it will blow them away. Works on the creature also. Gives it a good blast and knocks it on it's butt.