Disable impressivness?


Dec 20, 2007
Every time I've played the games I was allways a good god and every time I try to make a decent enough army to conquer the ennemie's town, they migrate...  :angry

So I was wondering if it would be possible to make every single building have an impressivness of 0 or 1 if it isn't possible. Like that I could wage war and the lands would last a lot longer.

EDIT : Basicly I'm asking if their's something in the balance files that inflicts impressivness of buildings.
Well I've been looking in the balance files and I didn't find anything.

So if someone knows the balance files well, could he or she please tell me where to change the impresivness?  :bomb

EDIT : I found some stuff that was in the PlacementData.xlm file that have some stuff on the impressivness.

This is the script (I think it's a script) for the greek villa :
<object type="abode" name="greek_abode_c">
<basevalue impressiveness="0.2" />
<basevalue impress_falloff="0.95" />
<basevalue happiness="0.001" />
<usesmap impressiveness="true" fertility="false" />
<rule stat="capacity" applyto="living_quarters" radius="22.0" startvalue="2.0" endvalue="1.0" />
<rule stat="happiness" applyto="all" radius="22.0" startvalue="-0.2" endvalue="0.2" />
<rule stat="productivity" applyto="factories" radius="22.0" startvalue="0.1" endvalue="0.0" />
<rule stat="productivity" applyto="fields" radius="22.0" startvalue="0.1" endvalue="0.0" />

I don't quite understand so I would like to know what the colored bits mean.
Albalrogue said:
Well I've been looking in the balance files and I didn't find anything.

So if someone knows the balance files well, could he or she please tell me where to change the impresivness?  :bomb

EDIT : I found some stuff that was in the PlacementData.xlm file that have some stuff on the impressivness.

This is the script (I think it's a script) for the greek villa :
<object type="abode" name="greek_abode_c">
<basevalue impressiveness="0.2" />
<basevalue impress_falloff="0.95" />
<basevalue happiness="0.001" />
<usesmap impressiveness="true" fertility="false" />
<rule stat="capacity" applyto="living_quarters" radius="22.0" startvalue="2.0" endvalue="1.0" />
<rule stat="happiness" applyto="all" radius="22.0" startvalue="-0.2" endvalue="0.2" />
<rule stat="productivity" applyto="factories" radius="22.0" startvalue="0.1" endvalue="0.0" />
<rule stat="productivity" applyto="fields" radius="22.0" startvalue="0.1" endvalue="0.0" />

I don't quite understand so I would like to know what the colored bits mean.

Well, it looks like that you should edit that:

]<usesmap impressiveness="true" fertility="false" />[/

change "true" to "false" and it will no more be an impessive building!