CI problem


New member
Dec 22, 2006
Every time I run CI it looks like it's starting up but I get my normal cursor icon and every time I click it minimizes the game. I re-open it and the same thing happens. Any idea's?
I had this problem a few years ago.I have used Windows FD Professional then...

What kind of Windows do you have ??? ?I have XP(Now).
   Huh? ??? When I had that problem I was using FD.

  Ok,have you tried reinstalling the game?
Thunder Eclipse said:
   Huh? ??? When I had that problem I was using FD.

I never heard of Windows FD before. ???

Reinstalling might be the best way to go. Make sure the CD is clean before you do so. Not having the hand cursor is an indication that the game didn't load properly.
K.. I downloaded one file that you had in B&W patches. Well... Now my mouse wheel doesn't work. CI works though.