Black&White merchadise ?


New member
Feb 11, 2013
Am i the only one who have wondering about how black&White should have been as collecting figures toys , statues , TradeCards "Posters?" i have been thinking of that so long as i have been a fan to the game
Probably YES..

One of the main features of B&W was your creature was unique to you.
Would you really want to buy generic cardboard crap items/cards/toys that did not include your personal  creature stats and  scars or custom skins and tats.
Print your own poster of your creature for  50c  or buy generic for $5 it is a no brainer.

In this day, those ideas make more sense, but back when B&W came out, that would've been a very novel idea. 

Hell, even to try and sell that feature now wouldn't be the easiest thing.

Still, I like the concept all the same :) .