Black & White Lan


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Well, im going to play bnw1 with my cousin. So i have made an hamachi server, a profile and bla bla bla... But, as i guess. Your supposed to press; Join online game, then Play on local network, and on your local network. And a list of games comes up, the games are in the sum of Null(nothing), how do i create a game
Mind telling us the server for hamachi? we can't get into the lan without hamachi.
Sure, but i needed an answer,

Name: blacknwhitefun
Password: 112

If anyone knows how to host, then please host there
Ah...I would like to play online... dunno how it works though.  :rolleyes
hey the problem is the new hamachi v2 version.

take a older version. if this are not the solution you must chance the Metric of the hamachi network connection and take it on the top of the connection list....
No the problem isnt that, I KNOW it isnt, the problem was there aint a host button. But i think i know why. I have v. 1.00, but i cant install 1.1 and 1.2, Phease help
Don't use Hamachi2 use Hamachi.  Install B&W to Patch 1.3 even if you don't have the glove. There is no host button, all you gotta do is get on hamachi and then go into the online lobby in B&W/CI and wait until you see the persons comp name come up, then join or vice versa, also you both need the same patch version.

Edit: You also need to download the p5dll.dll, and then put it into your B&W dicrectory, C:\Program Files\Lionhead Studios Ltd\Black & White place the dll file there once it has
downloaded. You can download the dll file here: