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  1. Aman

    [REQUEST] Gremlins on Building Blocks (BW1)

    Me and my sister always enjoy playing BW1 over LAN since BW2 has no multiplayer, and probably never will. We mostly enjoy the map "Building Blocks" the most. We just build  huge cities and coperate. But after an hour or so, making huge cities starts to get a bit boring, since theres no real...
  2. Aman

    Behold! Aztec mod.

    Well this mod here lets you play as the Aztecs  :) Pretty much EVERYTHING is Aztec. Theres only a few building that weren't changed. Those are altar, granary, lumbermill, plant, and statue market, but that's it. Everything else is AZTEC! :yourock: LINKY LINKY...
  3. Aman

    Black And White Phoenix. Play B&W online yet again

    Well guys, until B&W2 multiplayer comes out ( if it ever does ) I found a great alternative. Since  Lionhead stopped supporting B&W online you wouldn't be able to play....BUT, someone here made it so you can.  I'm getting it all set up right now and I'm hoping that at least one of you will  get...
  4. Aman

    Screenshot Thread.

    Well, I looked for a few minutes to see if there was one of these already but I guess not. This will be a thread where you can just post whatever cool screenshots you've taken. Funny, serious, artistic...anything.  :) Here's some of mine. I've spent a lot of time playing B&W2 lately not for the...
  5. Aman


    Well looking through the BW forums I found this It is the playable version of land 11 which they originally  cut out of the game  :shocked Its really rather werid though, you have a lion as a pet and the land uses the scripts...
  6. Aman


    Well, I've had Black and White 2 for over 2 weeks now, and just now I was playing and went into the options.  I noticed that the detail was set a medium! I had forgotten that when I first got the game I  was looking to see if there was any differnce between the quality and I accidently left it...
  7. Aman

    Japanese Mod 0.5 !!!

    This mod is REALLY COOL. It's not totally done yet, but you can try it out so far. It lets you be able to play as the Japanese instead of the greeks!  :shocked  And use all the Japenese building, military units... Stuff like that. Very cool  :yourock: :yourock: :yourock...
  8. Aman


    This thread will be used to point out any bugs you find in the game. One that I found is whenever you pick up a dead soldier they ALWAYS for some reason carry an aztec shield and aztec weapon even when there not aztec.  :;):