Recent content by ryudo2053

  1. ryudo2053

    Buy or not?

    I say it's worth it to have both :D
  2. ryudo2053

    Phone Easter Egg

    [offtopic] Laughed so hard at that  :D [ontopic] Ooh, I've seen that before. Kinda funny actually  :)
  3. ryudo2053

    Playing .sad files

    Hmm... try VLC media player, i use it and there wasn't a file(sound/video) i haven't been able on it 'till now. [offtopic] Poor files  :(, they're .sad. Isn't there a way to make them .happy files? D:
  4. ryudo2053

    Cyclic Redundancy Check

    Yeah, you'll probably find BW2 for 10 bucks in a store..
  5. ryudo2053

    Any OGAM news? BW3: Not going to happen.

    Sorry for what? We're the ones that should be sorry for hurrying you up :)
  6. ryudo2053

    simple question, complex question.

    Hell, knowing that, I'll probably change the arrow model for a grenade model :D
  7. ryudo2053

    Re: Of Gods And Mortals

    Damn... now I really really wish I had B&W installed '-'
  8. ryudo2053

    BotG Trainer

    Try deactivating AVG while you donwload it, and while you use it.. when you stop using it, turn it on again :D
  9. ryudo2053


    Oh, i hate that guru. You guys don't know how much time i've spent just trying to get past that mission.
  10. ryudo2053

    Felixs Hostile Island

    Sounds nice, i'll test it as soon as i can :)
  11. ryudo2053


    Are you sure you're installing them correctly?
  12. ryudo2053

    GNH.... need a script

    I'm not a scripter, but that doesn't sound so complicated.
  13. ryudo2053


    Nope, i have vista, and never had that problem.
  14. ryudo2053

    Tribe mod requests?

    What about a Arab mod?
  15. ryudo2053

    Mongol Mod

    Seems nice. Pity I don't have BW2 installed right now ' :(