Your Creature


New member
Jun 6, 2008
My creature is named Therenes, he is a Leopard, a good fighter and fully grown. Made him evil, with a evil mind, knows most miracles. So what's the name of your creature? Please share info 'bout him/(maybe)her.
My creature is Yogi, a fully grown, fully evil brown bear. He knows lightning and fireball, and eats villagers when they cross his path, no matter how full he is. he eats every 2 minutes and sleeps every 5, and likes stepping on cows  :laugh2
nice bear, but dumb as a brick. dumber than any creature i've ever had. lol but he's still awesome
My creature name is Master Yoda and he is a Turtle fully grown knows all miracles 100%, he like to eat villagers.
My creatures name is Beast leash.  He is a full grown Wolf and is a "Neutral" creature. When he eats a villager i slap him, And prefer him to eat animals or from the villages storage.

Love him <3 :D
My Creatures name is Hannibal, he's a fully grown wolf and he's good. I like how he looks, all purple and sparkly~
He eats smaller wolves whenever there are any... that's why I called him Hannibal.  :shocked  :woot  :p
He knows a lot of miracles, including Mega Blast  :cool:
I have an angelic Mandrill named Spungie. He spends most of his time watering trees, sleeping by trees. After 30 years of training he still eats livestock when my godly back is turned.
My creature is a golden fully grown ape called Moses fully trained and learned everything.
My very first creature on B&W and CI