Un-Godly framerate


New member
Apr 28, 2008
I just installed B&W2 and my framerate is so low it is unplayable. I turned ALL and setting down ALL the way including screen res. I installed both patchs. I meet the minimum system requirments. Im running on Windows Vista.... :angry With an Nvidia graphics card. Please any help would be amazing.
Please post  a few details about your system. CPU Gcard and Ram,  would be a good start .
The minimum spec you see on the box is based on W2000/XP not Vista.
Vista is a hungry beast and  although 512m is the minimum  Ram requirement.  I find 2G adequate but since  I got a new monitor 1680x1050 even that is not quite enough  with all the settings max'ed out  and super sized cities with 2000 or more people.
With Vista  it likes to just sit there  using 600-800m in the back ground (yes it will run on less) but the point is if you have less than 1024m (=1G) you get vista using  "virtual memory" this is  space on your hard drive as ram. that's a 100/1000 times slower than real ram.
If you mean that the game runs at normal speed  but with lots of skipped frames  that is a different problem.
Without any specs  its a guessing game.