Trailer - Black & White 2


New member
Jan 27, 2015
I feel like sharing my trailer for B&W2 that I just uploaded to YT. Maybe someone enjoys it and my time spent was not for nothing.

No, the birth of the evil god is the closing scene of BW2. Of course it hints at BoTG. I made the scene look as if it started the war in BW2.

The evil god's birth in BoTG is a different scene on a different land. It's funny because he got born twice.
Haven't seen a new video about B&W in ages... Almost all the videos about B&W date from 2006-2009 !
Thanks OP !
Yeah, all those videos you find when searching for keywords such as "black & white" or "black & white 2" on Youtube are very old. I'd love to see this 2015 video on the first page of some keywords search results. Well, share it with some friends! :)
It looks fabulous! Very nice trailer I hope lots of people will find it when typing Black & White 2 in the search bar.