Tackling the Epic Miracle Scripts


New member
May 9, 2006

Alright so for a while now I've been trying my best to replicate these a little more while Lionhead's versions are unavailable right now. I have a very simple question.

While I have been looking into the scripting language, I've run into a small bump with the Volcano epic. in BnW2 the Volcano had created instances of star villagers for the wonder tower that it used to position the camera correctly, the issue I've been unsuccessful in making the thing do the same thing myself.

Has anyone come across a means to fix this? I believe the camera work may have been used to use a star villager's co-ordinates as a means to move it up the structure during it's final charge stages.
Here's some assembly and function/variable names from the default epic wonders whilst I work on a translator to LHVM scripting language and the rest of the engine calls.

SirenSpell in SirenSpell.txt, instruction address 0x830
21 local variables:
EnemyWonder, Siren, Shockeddude, Wonder, MyDance, Dancer, Count, WonderCamPosLinkup, WonderCamFocLinkup, RelCamPos, RelCamFoc, StarVillager, StarNymph, AboveSiren, MeOldMateDave, MusicEventTimer, MusicEvent1, MusicEvent2, WaitUntilPairedAnimStarts, SirenMixer, HackVillexistingTimer

VolcanoSpell in VolcanoSpell.txt, instruction address 0xFC8
36 local variables:
EnemyWonder, Volcano, RelCamFoc, RelCamPos, TestPos, Pos[8], PrePos[7], Wonder, Volcanopos, Volcanofoc, MusicEventTimer, MusicEvent1, BeamPlace, Beam, Beam2, AboveV, Dancer, Count, MyDance, TerminalVolcanoObject, VolcanoMixer

EarthquakeSpell in EarthquakeSpell.txt, instruction address 0x1AF7
33 local variables:
EnemyWonder, Earthquake, RelCamPos, RelCamFoc, MeOldMateDave, MyDance, Dancer, Wonder, Count, AboveV, BeamPlace, Beam, Beam2, lastEarthquakepos, MyPos, MyFoc, MusicEventTimer, MusicEvent1, MusicEvent2, MusicEvent3, MusicEvent4, MusicEvent5, MusicEvent6, MusicEvent7, MusicEvent8, MusicEvent9, MusicEvent10, BadboyBuilding, FuturePos, FutureFoc, StarDude, FutureEarthQ, EarthquakeMixer

HurricaneSpell in HurricaneSpell.txt, instruction address 0x2081
51 local variables:
Hurricane, MyDance, Dancer, Wonder, Count, RelCamPos, RelCamFoc, AboveH, Beam, Beam2, BeamPlace, MusicEventTimer, MusicEvent1, MusicEvent2, MusicEvent3, MusicEvent4, MusicEvent5, MusicEvent6, MusicEvent7, MusicEvent8, MusicEvent9, StarDude, StarAbode, MyHurricanePos, MyHurricaneFoc, MyWeather, checkthemofo, count, LoadsOfFloatingVillagers[19], DodgyBuilding, Imwalkingaway, HowLongDoIWait

Assembly scripts are attached. You'll find some of the engine calls here: http://handsomematt.co.uk/bwdocs/fileformat/chl/enginecalls