Starting Game Problems


New member
Oct 16, 2004
The first time I encountered the problem when I installed, played a bit, then took a break. Got the 1.2 patch, applied, and it would not start up. I would see a little flash of a box for an instant, and it would fade and nothing else happens. I re-installed multiple times, the game would work at first, I would apply the patch, and it would stop working. I tried defragmenting, and installing again, applied the patch, removed the firewall exception and added it again. The game work, yet without music, this didn't bother me much so I continued playing.  After a while, I decided to take my creature to Kay's Training map, everything was great, got him to learn to fish etc. so then I wanted to switch over to Extreme Growth. Game crashes. After about 20 tries of nothing, I get into the game, I look around the campaign, try to load up Extreme Growth Map, and just as its about to finish loading, game crashes and I am back at square one. :banghead


Oh, and system specs are:

Service Pack 2
Pentium 4, 3.2
DirectX 9
Radeon x1600
Have you tried changing it compatability back to an earlier OS?

  • Go to the folder that B&W is installed in (usually something like C:/Program Files/Lionhead/Black & White)
  • Right-click on RunBlack.exe
  • Go to the compatibility tab and tick the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for:", then select the OS you want B&W to run under.
If memory serves, Windows 2000 usually works and failing that, try Windows 95 :;): .
I thought that Win98 was the best choice for compatibility. But then I've never had to use it.

If it's only EGM that's causing the crashes. Check to make sure that dance.lnd is in the Data\Landscapes folder. It should be included in the download package.
Wow, thank very much. I forgot to put the lnd into the Landscapes folder. Changing it to windows 98 compatibility allowed me to avoid having to click the .exe twenty times before it boots up. Thank you very much!