Sound (Volume) Problems


New member
Feb 23, 2017

I am faced with some strange problems that I couldn't find anyone else mention on these forums, so I was wondering if a kind soul could help me figure out what's happening.

I installed the game via my original CDs (all 4 of them!), installed the two official patches, as well as the unofficial patch. Got the game working, but now the game volumes are all messed up.

Adjusting the volume levels do not appear to affect anything outside of the main menu (except when I put the sliders to the very far left, which does mute the audio). The Consciences and the ambient murmur noises of villagers are ear shatteringly loud, whereas the regular sound effects seem normal. In addition to that, the villager noises are either mute (when I zoom out) or very loud. There is no in between.

I figured it may be a compatibility issue with my surround sound setup, but I cannot seem to change anything in the audio options besides the volume.

My soundcard is an Asus Xonar DX 7.1.

Could someone help me with my plight?

Thank you in advance!
Not sure if this is the same I had, but in the end I put all ingame audio at max and then lowered the output on my speakers.
When I had the audio lowered ingame then some audio wouldnt be affected and resulted in a mindshattering audio stutter from hell (in the intro levels where the aztec ape summons a volcano -_-) .