Skirmish Creature Alignment


New member
Jun 5, 2010
This may have been asked before, but I did a search and nothing turned up.
I was wondering if it is possible to change the alignment (and so the physical appearance) of an opposing/neutral creature(s) in a skirmish map?
I know you can assign a creature mind to a "CREATE_CREATURE_FROM_FILE"; However, I seem to recall Minas's "Forgotten Paradise"  map's opposing God's creature's mind was that of Nemesis's creature, but appeared to be of neutral alignment (I think I remember Nemesis's creature was 100% evil?).
Answers Appreciated!  :)
Nemesis' and Lethys' creatures are of the exact opposite alignment of your creature at the time you enter the land with one of them. So if you enter land 5 with a 100% good creature, Nemesis' creature will be 100% evil and vice versa. It only occurs in story mode, this is not a part of their mind file, the only way (that I know of) to make a computer controlled creature to a certain alignment in skirmish is by assigning the mindfile of a creature with the desired alignment (there are many mindfiles in the download section).  :)
Yas!  :cool:
Awesome, assigned an evil sheep's mind ("Zeta") to 4 different creatures.  All are evil.  :yourock:
Thank you for your answer.  :)
As a side note - if you wanted the opposing creatures to keep their original mind files but still change alignment, you could probably change them using Caches cheats (with a little bit of messing around and assuming you can get the cheat program to work nowadays :( ).