Pots Not Working?


New member
Jan 27, 2010
I'm attempting to edit the Land Two script so it includes a 'pot' (in this case, a giant fish with food) but no matter what I do the pot simply doesn't appear. I've added this line to the end of the rest of that script:

CREATE_POT ("3264.60,3432.65",18, 0, 100000")

I don't understand why it isn't working. It should appear in Land Two, on one of my fields. I have attempted to reset the land many times, first by loading a quick save made before going from the first land portal into the second, then by starting a new game entirely and choosing to keep my old creature before immediately taking the portal. It doesn't seem to recognize the fact that I've changed the script. Can someone help?

Thanks for any help. This site is incredibly useful, and I've already recommended it to a friend.  :blush
CREATE_POT("3264.60,3432.65", 18, 1500, 10000)

You have one " to many :) also, no spaces after CREATE_OBJECTNAMEHERE, also, you have '0' as third argument.. that is size.. I think..

A higher number would make your fishy more visable, no?