Modding BW2 on Mac


New member
Apr 3, 2012
So I have searched the internet, and this forum, and cannot seem to find anything on how to mod BW2 on a mac. I cannot find the file directories or anything. Can anyone help me?

   I would assume that these would normally be under the /Applications folder. Is this not the case?

   Remember that Macs treat .app folders as if they were executable files. If the program is indeed under the Applications folder, try right-clicking (or CTRL-clicking if you have single-button mouse) on the app and selecting, "Open contents" or whatever the similar option is.

I remember the first time I read a ReadMe file for installing a B&W 2 mod,
all the "where to go" directories are correct, it's just they miss one key step: Package Contents.

Go to your main B&W 2 folder, and right click on "B&W 2 Loader", choose "Show Package Contents" and, err, well I forget the next step. There are two (I think) other folders you have to go through before you get to where you can pretty much follow the install instructions for a mod.  

I can give exact details pretty soon, if you still need them.   ???

Anyway, hope this works.  :)

Thank you so much! I got it to work! Now I got a gorilla instead of that hideous monkey
i think i can help some here i am on a mac and been modding the bwe and balance files.

you go to where the application is you will see a folder "Black & White 2"  open that folder (obvious when you played the game)

next you will see "Black & White 2"  that is the application  right click and and show package contents

open the folder "contents"

open the folder "resources"

open the folder "data"

open the folder "balance"

inside the balance folder is a list of files that controls a lot of the game stuff  (make sure you backup the files you are going to mod as a botchup can cause problems)

creature_emo.txt your creature's emotions
creature_exp.txt i think this is the same somewhat as above
creature_loveobedience.txt i am not sure about this
creature_physio_stomach.txt controls if your creature is sick or hungry
creature_physio.txt controls strength
GameBalanceAlignment.txt i think this is evil or good
GameBalanceAnimal.txt various animals seen throughout
GameBalanceArmy.txt the soldier specs
GameBalanceArtefact.txt tribute and mana costs
GameBalanceArtefact2.txt i think a lionhead approved mod version
GameBalanceBuilding.txt building costs in ore and wood as well as other specs
GameBalanceBuilding2.txt i think a lionhead approved mod version
GameBalanceCreature.txt more creature related
GameBalanceDamage.txt how much damage is caused to buildings
GameBalanceDefcon.txt i am not sure about this
GameBalanceMiracle.txt mana costs
GameBalancePhysics.txt physics of flying objects like rocks and miracles
GameBalanceResourceGeneral.txt various specs for the resources
GameBalanceRPNavTweak.txt i am not sure about this
GameBalanceTooltip.txt i am not sure about this
GameBalanceVillager.txt villiger specs including ages and such
PlacementData.xml impressiveness and other specs for constructions
PlacementData2.xml i think a lionhead approved mod version
ScriptGeneralTexts.txt lists all the tribute earned (unfortunately changing the numbers will not work (at least for me it did not work) as they are (i think) compiled into the application and other compiled scripts)

VillagerBuildingInteractionBalance.txt i am not sure about this but i think it controls how the villagers interact with stuff

i hope this helps .

i am working on some videos i hope to eventually put on youtube showing before and after mod effects

just remember not to make the numbers too high or the game may crash

dont exceed 1000 on impressiveness or crash may happen due to multipliers.

dont exceed 3000 on influence radius of buildings or crash may happen due to multipliers.

unfortunately there are no modding tools  (script editor, level editor or model editors for mac.

note to mods and admins if you feel there is anything wrong with this post you are welcome to move, merge or consolidate to the proper place