Mod idea and temple skinning


New member
Jun 27, 2004
Thought up some stuff at work today. How about a modernization mod? i.e. replace the Village Center with a Town Hall, and the Village Store with a supermarket and such. Also, is it possible to edit the inside of the temple, because the color pallete looks really icky/pixelated/blocky on the back walls. Basically a hi-res temple interior is what I'm looking for. I can work 3D programs no problem...just that I'm a lousy texture artist, haha.
Hmmm, I think that would of been done if it were possible.

I don't think that we're able tp edit the model, but if you can find the files for the temple interior, probably .raw files, then you should be able to change it.
It's an image file so use PhotoShop or GIMP.
Sorry about that, I thought it would. Had a look for a .raw plugin but could only find ones for linux versions.

Paint Shop Pro will also open .raw files.  If you don't have either that or PhotoShop I believe there's a 30 day trial available for each.