Looking for a skin....


New member
Dec 28, 2005
Welp. I haven't been able to play BW2 in forever since I lack a powerful enough computer for it so I decided to reload BW1 for old times' sake. Thus I went looking for a skin I used to love back when I played it on a more regular basis and for the life of me I can't find it (and don't remember the site since it's been awhile.)

So I was wondering if anyone knew where a black and white tiger skin might be. It's a black tiger with white stripes - the reversed sort from a normal b/w tiger. I did find a skin on here with one of the neutral stage like that (it's the 'New Tiger') but the skin I used had all 3 stages in that color combination with no changes between them.

Thanks all  :)
I know the skin ( that was mine  :) ).You could rename the Neutral skin to the Good and Evil versions(if you're referring at the fact that you want  the good and evil skins  have the same colors as the neutral one,right ?).
I have several thousand skins I need to upload. One of them sounds like what you are looking for...

If only I weren't so lazy...

Be on the lookout, I suppose, for new skins by me.  :rolleyes