Like creating landscapes but can't play them


Active member
Mar 10, 2003
This is something I started a number of years ago and never really completed. Untill now.

What is it is, is a generic .chl file which should run just about any created landscape. The features are:
  • Creature select which is done by your town centre.
  • All of the Wonders should be functional. (not yet tested)
  • The other towns gates should function properly.They will also be manned if the adjacent wall sections are long enough. Only works if there is one gate in that town
  • If creature pens are built in any of the other towns then a random evil creature will be placed in one of them.
  • 00din's enemy AI script. Which is activated when your town reaches a certain level of developement
  • The invincible man appears at a random tavern in one of the other towns.If any are built.
  • Kalev's RunAround Script
  • Exploding nut oil barrels which will appear randomly about your town

One of the reasons I did this is that I see that there's still some interest in creating landscapes. But since most people aren't able to create a .chl file to run it. This should allow them to actually play their landscape.

Another reason is that I'm considering creating a new category in our Downloads just for landscapes so anyone creating them can share them.

The file is attached to this post. It's been quickly tested but not thoroughly. So I'm looking for comments and any ideas on what can be added to it.

Edit: I've just attached an updated version which seems to run much better
Well this sucks, aside from the lack of replies that is.

Spent some more time on this and got it to identify the player 0 town. Before it had to be town 0. Got it to build an arrray of existing towns something I couldn't do before. Also wrote in the nut oil barrel script and got it to generate barrels randomly about the town.

Everything was working well until the game started crashing as I exited from it. In trouble shooting it would still crash if I only loaded the basics required to run the game. Re-installed BW2, bad move. But it still crashed on exiting whenever I ran the script. No matter what map. But if I ran a script from another map it would be fine.

Very strange. :rolleyes
Kays said:
Well this sucks, aside from the lack of replies that is.

Spent some more time on this and got it to identify the player 0 town. Before it had to be town 0. Got it to build an arrray of existing towns something I couldn't do before. Also wrote in the nut oil barrel script and got it to generate barrels randomly about the town.

Everything was working well until the game started crashing as I exited from it. In trouble shooting it would still crash if I only loaded the basics required to run the game. Re-installed BW2, bad move. But it still crashed on exiting whenever I ran the script. No matter what map. But if I ran a script from another map it would be fine.

Very strange. :rolleyes

Hi Kays

I'm only just learning the challenge script language, so won't be much use to you now especially as I have quite a lot on at the moment (hence I've yet to reply to the lighting thread - I'm am working on that though  :) ), but in the future if you're still working on this I'd very interested in helping you out on it. For now I can contribute some wild speculation,  :;):

How exactly are you using your array of towns? Do you run all the town scripts while they are still in the array?
Finally traced that problem to the script which sets up the town array. I needed to write a wait in for some reasoon. ???

In some scripts you need to cycle though the towns. Easy enough when the numbering is sequencial. But if a town gets deleted, that town number is empty. So what I do is sequence through the towns and build an array of all of the towns where the numbering is sequential. The other thing is that your town might not be town 0.

Got things working good now. Only thing is that the gatehouse control script has stopped working.  :shocked

I'l post what I've got when things are working proper. I'll include the script files used the as well. If you are getting into scripting these will give you a good base to started with.  Then all you need worry about is creating and adding your own challenges and what not.
Awesome, you got it finished  :)  Sorry i don't believe i saw the thread. I haven't tested it yet, but will have to do in the near future. Why not add it to the downloads?
No, not quite finished yet.

I probably will add it to the downloads, but won't do so until it's working correctly.
i think that this is a good idea.  im quite good at creating landscapes but make a right mess of things when it comes to the scripting. i just can't do it! with this i can finally play my map! :yourock:
It's for people like your that I'm doing this. Well patially. It's also nice to actually be able to play a landscape you're creating since it does look a whole bunch different in game. This should allow anyone to test drive a landscape without the bother of putting a script together.

Got the bug in the gatehouse control script squashed and it all seems to be working well now.  :cool:

But before I post the updated files I'd like to do some more checking.

Sorry for not posting a reply when I read it first ^^;; But, seeing as I don't create landscapes, I felt, a bit.. well, as if I would have nothing to say.

Either way! ^^ I am certain this will help people allot! :)
To bad you can't run the landscape editor. It's neat what you can do with it.

Well, I said I wasn't going to work on this today but... :D

I think I've got it finished. It seems stable and loads pretty quickly. It should work on any map as long as highest town number is less that 15. It will detect all towns and the player 0 town doesn't need to be town 0.

The main addition is my exploding nut oil barrel script. It creates nut oil barrels randomly about your town. These will exploded if tossed and can be unstable. Since it's hard to prevent them from appearing under buildings and getting lost. Pressing the "B" key will reposition them all.

This time I've included all of the scripts used. Since this can be used as a base to add further scripts onto. One thing I don't know how to do is to add objectives to the script. Something which I think can be a nice addition. Like build so many houses and get x tribute. I've seen it done in a few scripts. So if anyone wants to look into it.

Anyways, if you're looking for it I've updated the first post with the new file.

I haven't done any thorough testing especially of the epic wonder scripts. So comments and feedback is welcome. :)
It's an FPS script which allows you to go down to villager level and scoot about.
i can't get it to work. i've done what the read me says but when i go to play it, it just stays on the loading screen.
What landscape are you using?

Did you change the xxx in the name on the .chl file to your land number and did you change the map.txt file to that land number iin two places?
yes i did everything the readme said to do.  i'm trying to test out a landscape i made.
I'd  like to see that landscape to see what the problem could be.

Could you get it to me? Zip all of the files for that landscape" in the landscapes\BW2 folder. Then then use the "Submit a file to Kayssplace"  link in the top drop down menu to so I can have a look see.
when i click the submit a file it does nothing also when i was in data/landscapes/bw2 to get all the files i noticed that all the other landscapes have a .wal and a .pat whereas my landscape dosn't. i don't know what them files are for and if there why it's not working?
Those file are for the paths and walls. I'm assuming you haven't created any of yet, which is why they aren't there.

Try this link