land 2 lethys' creature kidnapping skip


New member
Dec 14, 2015
not sure if this is already known, but today i experimented a bit in land 2 and came across the idea to destroy lethys' temple (without taking over his villages) with one burst of a thunderbolt miracle.
3 indian wonders maxed out with an artifact were enough to destroy lethys' temple before the cutscene happens where nemesis kills khazar.
after that cutscene was over, it skipped the one where lethys opens up a portal to land 3 and kidnaps your creature. instead of that, the portal just opened permanently and i still was able to control my creature, put in some resources in the portal, and so on.


this probably isn't really useful, but a cool trick to try out.
Hm, pretty cool. When you say "maxed out with artifacts", do you mean the arbitrary items (eg. a rock) you can place in your village, which your villagers will dance around until it glows and shows your player/god symbol on top? How do you enhance a wonder by placing an artifact? Can you simply put it next to the wonder or something and will that enhance its power?

If so, cool!

I was just playing this land and wondering whether I could do the same. Funny to see you and I had the same idea at roundabout the same time. ;)
yes, that's what i mean with artifacts. i used the singing stones from land 1. and for an enhanced wonder, find a place with lots of free space, put down your artifact, and then your lvl 7 scaffold to make a real effective wonder.
it would look like this:

you can see the artifact next to the scaffold there.
Just to add that once the plan for the wonder appears, you can pick up the artifact any time after that and use it again for another wonder.

Keep in mind though that these giant structures will require a lot of wood.
I know that when one attacks another's temple without first taking his villages the game will destroy the towns before damaging the temple. From the image you posted, it would appear that this is the case, there doesn't seem to be anything left of his towns. This raises the question: Did this action cause you to become very evil?
Land  1.2.3 are just nursery areas.

L4 is were the fight  begins.
i feel like the fight ends 10 minutes later when you stop the raining fireballs
Gremxula said:
Land  1.2.3 are just nursery areas.

L4 is were the fight  begins.
Agree totally.  Which always made me feel a little cheated when I discovered Land 5 was the final level :( .
Padster I bet it wasn't the first 10m you spent on L4  :)
I do agree that once  you have a method of surviving in L4 the rest is  not too hard.

FP Why feel cheated L5 was easily more than half the game in a single land.
Gremxula said:
FP Why feel cheated L5 was easily more than half the game in a single land.

True to an extent.  But when I first played through, I was not long after playing a Final Fantasy game.  So I was used to more drawn-out stories and it felt like B&W was shaping up to be something similar (albeit perhaps not as dramatic as FF).

What I got was good.  I just wanted so much more!
FP for me L5  was more than enough never  could finish the game as a totally good god.
Playing evil was so much easier for me. Good God all the way to L5.5 then forced into evil acts to complete the game.
Ya.  Playing good was much harder (but more rewarding I found).  That said, I was easily hoping for at least twice as many lands (with good amounts of story in them) to give a much more epic experience.
Sorry about the late reply , hardware problems.

To be honest I think the game ended at about the right time for me.

Land 5 actually pushed me from playing the  game as I wanted to play, to playing to win at any cost'
Agreed.  My first few playthroughs of Land 5 were quite similar.

Land 5 made for a good conclusion.  However, I wouldn't have minded the story taking a few more zig-zags on the way there via some other lands. Something that lets you feel like you've built up enough power to actually take on Nemesis (collecting parts of the creed didn't feel like enough).

With hindsight, I find it slightly odd that Nemesis could so easily take out all my allies and do all this other cool sh*t, but when it came to taking me on, he played much more closely to the rules (rain of Mega Blasts not withstanding).
This is a really cool find!

Especially today, where speedrunning and metagaming are all the rage and breathing life into old games. ^_^