Land 2 Cemetery

Goddess Vampy

New member
Nov 27, 2005
Hi guys I used to be on the old forum but for the life of me I can't remember by old username and passy  :blush - so here I am all new and shiney

I have a question - on Land 2, the first village, no matter what I try  I can't build a cemetery - I have enough scaffolds but it won't let me build it. Can someone tell me where to put it or post a screenshot of their village on Land 2 please?

Thanks in advance
Either you already have one, or it hasn't enabled that yet. Maybe you need to get past a certain point.
I know I had this same problem last time I played the game, I have the creche etc built, but I know that it had to go in a certain place or not at all and I can't remember where
Hi and welcome back. :)

I think what the thing is with the cemetery is that it's large and there isn't enough room to placeit.  Try somewhere around the workshop or closer to that second village.
The cemetary usually works for me if it's far away from the town a bit. And like Kay said, it needs a lot of room.
i know this is an old thread but maybe the desires of your villagers are higher for other buildings, if they are shouting for more homes then you wont be able to place a cemetary ontill the home disire has been met.

If you have too many people i find that feeding villagers to my creature works well as they are full of calories so he puts on weight well with them.