EMMT - Mod Tools for BW2


New member
May 10, 2011
EMMT - Ego's Misc Mod Tools

[ http://www.bwfiles.com/files/?display=1380 ]

  I uploaded a small package of completed information I've put together. It's not much, currently. There is some information about a couple of the creature-related game files and a few scripts for modifying them to some extent. They allow for the creature mesh and morphs to be modified geometrically, but not 'structurally'. Vertices/edges/faces cannot be added or removed from the mesh.

  The scripts are simple python console programs. They do require python to be installed on the computer, and must be run from a command line / terminal. The scripts' UI is as basic and poor as can be.. if someone has some UI experience, feel free to add on a GUI, hehe. Using the scripts correctly will take some computing experience as they were not created with user-friendliness in mind. In addition, using the mesh-editing scripts will take some knowledge of 3D formats and programs. For now, instructions and a readme are nonexistent. I intend to make an instruction set, though it also depends on whether anyone cares to have one.


   Bug in the version 0.4 of the OBJ2Creature import script: In the section labeled "EdgeConnectivity", a line is missing. Directly after the line
[entryCount = CSK_FACE_COUNT*3]
   should be the line:
[ scratchvalue += struct.pack( '<i', entryCount) ]
   So, the section should look like this:
###+4 for count number which is part of the section size
scratchvalue += struct.pack( '<i', (((CSK_FACE_COUNT*3)*16)+4) )

entryCount = CSK_FACE_COUNT*3
scratchvalue += struct.pack( '<i', entryCount)

i = 0
while i < entryCount:

    I should have mentioned, also, that I don't currently have a coherent way to adjust the hair. Hair will not correctly track mesh modifications. I know technically how to edit the hair, but if it is to be done, some method of doing it in 3D programs like Blender/3DS Max will have to be devised. It would likely require a custom plugin or a clever use of grouping for a particular file format.

