Creature Kisses


New member
Jun 20, 2006
on Island 5 of Black and White my Tiger Kisses Nemisis` lion each time they meet. The first time they met they did fight (Archer, My Tiger Won). Now every time they meet either Archer kisses the Evil lion or he kisses my tiger.
I have posted this in the Lionhead forum as well and there are a couple of Gods in there (Both good and evil) are seeing the same with thier creatures.
Is anyone here finding thier Creatures kissing Nemisis` slutty lion?
never happened to me but  look like they got friends check the creature cave and see what he think about nemisis lion
It's true.  Some creatures like to make friendly with Nemisis's Lion. It's actually quite a handy mechanism when you think about it.  On Land 5, your creature is pretty useless for the most part, but the one thing he can still do well is make firends with the Lion (well, he can't fight him being that runt-sized, can he?) and in so doing keep him away from attacking your villages.

In other instances of this happening, you might find your creature kissing the Lion on minute, then straight after, decide to fight him :shocked :p !

No one's ever really found out why though ??? .
matan55 said:
never happened to me but  look like they got friends check the creature cave and see what he think about nemisis lion

I did check the cave and he thinks that the Lion is Totaly Evil. My Tiger is Angelic so there does seem to be some kind of conflict going on here I think, either Archer (my Tiger) wants to be evil deep down or Nemisis` Lion wants to be good.

Anyway I defeated Nemisis last night so I am bulking Archer up on Kays Extrime Growth Map. i had him there for about 30 mins last night and apart from him not wanting to sleep in his pen I can already see a difference in him.
Thanks Kays before he went on your map he was a wead.

Anyway back on topic. I still think thet the lion is a tart, a real slutty lion.  :yes
I think its part of the script. You know they are probably friendly. Get them to fight together, and it should quickly diminish that bond. Oh, and thats kinda strange as all creatures are male.. well in BW1 anyway,, :shocked
well in ci there is a female creature but it was probably a once in alife time sorta thing ya know
Well, you both kinda right and you're both kinda wrong actually.  At the time when B&W1 was released, creatures were considered to be gender-less, i.e. neutral, but for ease of communication was referred to as "he" (it even said this in the manual), but then someone had the bright spark of introducing gender in Creature Isle, which, with the benefit of hindsight (and thanks in no small part to Tyke), the developers would rather forget :p .
I have had to restart my B&W from day one again (i will say more on this in a later thread).
While I was in land 3 i found my creature kissing Lethis Wolf, after all the wolf had put him through you would think that the last thing he would want to do is make out with it. Again I checked the creature cave and again My Tiger was Angelic and the Wolf was considered evil.

So it seems that both Lethis` wolf and Nemisis lion are both slutty. or my creature is  :laugh2
Kissing creatures  can be realy helpful in L5 once your creature is cursed and showing the effects then a few "compasion" miricles can effectivly take out the enemy creature.
They just dance and play together.
Gremxula said:
Kissing creatures  can be realy helpful in L5 once your creature is cursed and showing the effects then a few "compasion" miricles can effectivly take out the enemy creature.
They just dance and play together.

HHMmm I can see how my creature being friendly with Nemesis creature can come in handy as you near the end of the Island if the only thing you need to keep an eye open for is Nemesis, this would make life easier.
Nem's no real problem if you establish a base on the far side of the marching MB's before you trigger them. The final village and the last of his power is in your hands. About 6 miricles is all you need to wipe our his last village and all his believers.