BUG it sucks really hard !!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Oct 16, 2005
enemy towns don't have disciples so they cant breed. so if you wait long enough their town will die, not the armies cus army's never get old
I don't know about them not breeding. ???

On the enemy indicator on the top left of the screen, don't the numbers represent available men and enlisted men?  If this is the case I usually notice that top number does climb especially after you've killed a lot of platoons.
At the moment I'm on land 7 and I've killed or converted more troops than the 600 he started out with and he still has a force of 400 left.

So they must breed.
Kays said:
I don't know about them not breeding. ???

On the enemy indicator on the top left of the screen, don't the numbers represent available men and enlisted men?  If this is the case I usually notice that top number does climb especially after you've killed a lot of platoons.
At the moment I'm on land 7 and I've killed or converted more troops than the 600 he started out with and he still has a force of 400 left.

So they must breed.

Nope they don't use villagers to make platoons. All the tribal commanders have to do is put a tent and instant army platoon. By the way the enemies seem like they are scripted since they keep summoning the same amount of platoons without using a single person or resource. I wish they had an AI since they are way to predictable in attacking.
Breeders are not required for your population to grow. They will do it on their own (usually right before sunrise). You can increase the rate by making breeders so you have births happening all the time.

Of course, this is how our systems work, not the AI. But I wouldn't assume they're not breeding just because you don't see any breeder disciples.